January 10, 2020
National Grid’s contractor, Posillico Environmental, is implementing bulkhead barrier wall construction related to the Fulton former Manufactured Gas Plant (MGP) Site in accordance with the EPA-approved design. This project includes replacing approximately 880 linear feet of existing bulkheads along the eastern side of the Gowanus Canal from the canal’s head end (at Butler Street) to the Union Street Bridge. The new bulkhead barrier wall will include steel sheet piling with an anchored support system that has been designed to serve as both an environmental barrier and be able to support the EPA’s planned canal dredging and capping remedy. Mobilization for this phase of the work began on August 28, 2019 and barrier wall construction is expected to occur over an approximately 12-month period. Community air monitoring and construction monitoring for vibration and movement is being performed throughout the project.
Completed Activities
Pre-clearing the bulkhead alignment of debris and potential obstructions to allow mobilization of equipment to the head end of the canal and facilitate construction of the barrier wall was completed in December 2019. All debris removed during this pre-clearing was deemed to be not culturally significant and approved for off-site disposal by EPA.
Drilling equipment, a specialty barge, and a temporary water treatment system were recently mobilized to the site to support barrier wall construction activities.
Installation of the sound curtain between Parcel I building (270 Nevins Street) and canal was recently completed.
On-Going Activities
- Preparing the upland area for pre-drilling of the bulkhead alignment.
- Pre-drilling the barrier wall alignment using two drill rigs along Parcel VI (242 Nevins Street) and Parcel VII (234 Butler Street).
- Test pitting for utility locations.
- Air monitoring.
- Movement and vibration monitoring at Parcels I (270 Nevins Street), VI, VII and the head end of the canal.
- Noise monitoring.
- Delivery of project related construction materials.
Upcoming Activities
Pre-drilling of the wall alignment within the canal is on-going and it is currently anticipated that this work will take approximately 3 months to complete. A third drill rig is currently planned to be mobilized to the Site for pre-drilling activities in the coming weeks. A tieback anchor load test program is currently planned for the end of January 2020.
Community Air Monitoring Plan Summary
Air quality monitoring is being performed consistent with the Community Air Monitoring Plan (CAMP) for the Fulton Site using a MiniRAE 3000+ PID for volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and TSI Dust Trak DRX Dust Meter. No VOC or dust levels attributable to the barrier wall project have been detected above Action levels during working hours to date.

Pre-drilling Operation from Land at Parcel VII.
Pre-drilling Operation from the Jack-Up-Barge along Parcel VI.
Backfilling Pre-Drilled Holes at Parcel VI.