October 3rd, 2019
National Grid’s contractor, Posillico Environmental, is implementing bulkhead barrier wall construction related activities at the Fulton former Manufactured Gas Plant (MGP) Site consistent with the EPA approved design. This project includes the replacement of approximately 880 linear feet of existing bulkheads along the eastern side of the Gowanus Canal from the head end of the canal (at Butler Street) to the Union Street Bridge. The bulkhead construction will include an anchored support system and steel sheet piling that was designed to serve as both an environmental barrier and support for the EPA’s planned canal dredging and capping remedy. Mobilization began on August 28, 2019 and barrier wall construction is expected to occur over an approximately 1 year period. Community air monitoring and construction monitoring for vibration and movement will be conducted throughout the project.
Recently Completed Activities
- Clearing and grubbing of Parcel I (270 Nevins Street).
- Installation of perimeter construction fencing along Parcel I and 525 Union Street.
- Installation of decontamination pad, entrance exit/exit wash station.
- Installation of soil erosion and sediment controls along Parcels VI (242 Nevins Street) and VII (228 Nevins Street).
Ongoing Activities
- Clearing and grubbing of 525 Union Street and end of Right-of-Way at Degraw Street.
- Preparation of staging and laydown areas on Parcels VI and VII.
- Installation of soil erosion and sediment controls along Parcel I and 525 Union Street.
- Air monitoring.
- Movement and vibration monitoring at Parcels I, VI, VII, and head end of canal.
- Noise monitoring.
- Delivery of certain construction materials.
- Pre-condition surveys.
Upcoming Activities
Once mobilization and site preparation is complete, the process of constructing the barrier wall will be initiated. The first steps will involve pre-clearing the wall alignment of debris and other potential obstructions within the canal. This work in the canal may be starting in mid October after the marine equipment arrives.
Community Air Monitoring Plan Summary
Air quality monitoring is being performed consistent with the Community Air Monitoring Plan (CAMP) for the Fulton Site using a MiniRAE 3000+ PID for volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and TSI Dust Trak DRX Dust Meter. No VOC or dust levels above background have been detected to date.
Contact Information
National Grid will provide updates as the work at the site proceeds. For more information, please leave a message on our hotline at (718) 982-7349 or email us at info@fultonmgpsite.com
Website Update Information
National Grid will provide regular activity updates during construction of the Fulton barrier wall. During the mobilization and site set-up phase, these updates are being provided on an approximately bi-weekly basis. Once barrier wall construction is underway, these updates will be provided approximately weekly. All updates will be archived under the Key Documents tab of this website.
September 16, 2019
Clearing and grubbing on Parcel VI.
September 17, 2019
Installation of noise monitoring equipment.
September 23, 2019
Clearing and grubbing complete on Parcel I.
September 25, 2019
Temporary fencing installed between Parcel I and 525 Union Street.