September 2019
Bulkhead Barrier Wall Construction Update
The USEPA-approved bulkhead barrier wall project for the Fulton site consists of the replacement of approximately 870 linear feet of existing bulkheads along the eastern side of the Gowanus Canal from the canal’s head end, at Butler Street, to the Union Street Bridge. This wall will consist of steel sheet piling with an anchored support system which has been designed to serve as both an environmental barrier and support for the USEPA’s planned canal dredging and capping remedy.
Recently Completed Activities:
National Grid initiated preliminary field activities under the USEPA-approved remedial design in preparation for construction of the Fulton bulkhead barrier wall in July 2019. This preliminary field work included the asbestos abatement, demolition and off-site disposal of a small storage building addition located at 270 Nevins Street. This abatement and demolition work was completed as planned in late July 2019. Air monitoring was conducted during performance of this work and no action levels were exceeded.
Ongoing Activities:
National Grid continues to work towards completion of specific pre-construction requirements, including permitting and securing multiple property access agreements. Contractor mobilization activities were initiated in late August 2019. These on-going mobilization activities include installation of noise barriers, construction fencing, set-up of material staging areas and construction trailers, runoff and dust controls, and mobilization of construction equipment and materials to the site. Additional pre-construction activities that will be performed during this mobilization phase include surveying, pre-condition surveys of adjacent structures (or buildings), and installation/set-up of construction monitoring equipment (noise, sensors for detecting vibration and potential movement of structures, and air monitoring). It is currently anticipated that these mobilization activities will be completed in early October 2019.
Upcoming Activities:
Once mobilization is complete, the process of constructing the barrier wall will be initiated. It is currently anticipated the first steps will involve pre-clearing the wall alignment of debris or other obstructions within the canal. The bulkhead barrier wall construction is expected to take approximately one year to complete.