July 2019
National Grid will begin field work under the USEPA-approved remedial design. The work is planned to start in mid-July.
Remediation Field Work Scheduled to Begin Summer 2019 With Demolition of Storage Building:
As part of the USEPA-approved Remedial Design, National Grid’s contractors will start to demolish a small storage building addition at 270 Nevins Street. The project is expected to start in mid-July, 2019 and will commence with the removal of contents from the building and disposal at a National Grid approved facility. Since roofing materials tested positive for Asbestos Containing Materials, asbestos abatement and disposal at a different National Grid approved facility will follow the building clean-out. Demolition of the building will then follow the asbestos abatement. Air monitoring will be performed for all of the work. This project is expected to take about a month and is being performed in advance of the larger bulkhead barrier wall project which is expected to start in mid-August 2019. The bulkhead barrier wall construction is expected to take approximately one year to complete.