Update February 2014
A draft Feasibility Study (FS) for the Fulton Site was submitted to NYSDEC in August 2013 and a revised draft was submitted in January 2014. A Proposed Remedial Action Plan is currently being developed based on the FS. We will resume site updates when new field work commences; in the meantime, the site will be updated with reports created in cooperation with the Department of Environmental Conservation.
Pre-Design Investigation
A Pre-Design Investigation (PDI) commenced on June 4, 2012 at the former Fulton Municipal Works MGP. The noise and vibration survey was completed on September 24, 2012, and this concluded the field activities associated with the PDI.
The PDI site work was conducted under a New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (NYSDEC) and New York State Department of Health (NYSDOH)-approved work plan (the PDI WP). The work was conducted in and on properties adjacent to the Gowanus Canal, near the former Fulton Municipal Works MGP. The work included the installation of soil borings, a utility survey, monitoring wells, and structural surveys to collect important soil and sediment data and further define the nature and extent of impacts.
The scope of work is presented in the PDI WP entitled “Fulton Municipal Works Former Manufactured Gas Plant Site, Final Interim Remedial Measure, Pre-Design Investigation Work Plan”, dated March 2012. This document is available in the Key Documents/Major Reports section of this website.