Update Week Ending July 13, 2012
Pre-Design Investigation
A Pre-Design Investigation (PDI) commenced on June 4, 2012 at the former Fulton Municipal Works MGP. The scope of work is being conducted under a New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (NYSDEC) and New York State Department of Health (NYSDOH)-approved Pre-design Investigation Work Plan (PDI WP). The work will be conducted in and on properties adjacent to the Gowanus Canal, in the vicinity of the former Fulton Municipal Works MGP. The work includes the installation of soil borings, monitoring wells, a utility survey and structural surveys to gather geotechnical data and further define the nature and extent of impacts.
The scope of work is presented in the PDI WP titled Fulton Municipal Works Former Manufactured Gas Plant Site, Final Interim Remedial Measure, Pre-Design Investigation Work Plan, dated March 2012. This document is available in the Key Documents/Major Reports section of this website.
Activities July 9 through July 13, 2012:
- Loaded the barge and mobilized to the head of the Gowanus Canal, north of Union Street, on July 9th and 10th, 2012.
- Began drilling the geotechnical borings within the canal on July 11th, 2012.
- Continued drilling geotechnical borings within the canal through July 13th, 2012.
Future (two week look-ahead) activities:
- Drilling will continue in the Gowanus Canal, north of Union Street, the week of July 16th, 2012.
- Land side activities will resume after PDI borings are completed in the Gowanus Canal.