Weekly Update – Week Ending November 05, 2010

Remedial Investigation

Remedial Investigation field work at the former Fulton Municipal Works MGP is being conducted under a New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (NYSDEC) and New York State Department of Health (NYSDOH)-approved Remedial Investigation Work Plan (RIWP).  The work includes the installation of soil borings, monitoring wells, test pit excavations, and soil vapor points to gather information required to determine the nature and extent of impacts within the footprint of and adjacent to the former Fulton Municipal Works MGP. 

Based upon the findings of the field work completed to date, National Grid and NYSDEC agreed that additional off-site investigations were needed in the vicinity of the MGP.  The off-site work is described in the July 20, 2009 RIWP Addendum.  National Grid completed these additional off-site field installation activities at the beginning of August 2009.  At the request of NYSDEC, National Grid recently developed a second RIWP (Addendum No. 2) to complete additional investigations to the west of the MGP.  The work is described in the October 22, 2010 RIWP Addendum No.2.  These documents are available in the Key Documents/Major Reports section of this website

Activities October 30 through November 5:

  • Monitored utility excavation activities inside a warehouse at a private property.
  • Commenced installation of Remedial Investigation Work Plan Addendum No. 2 borings.

Future (two week look-ahead) activities:

  • Monitor utility excavation activities inside a warehouse at a private property.
  • Continue the installation of Remedial Investigation Work Plan Addendum No. 2 borings.