Remedial Investigation
Remedial Investigation field work resumed in late May at the former Fulton Municipal Works MGP as part of the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (NYSDEC) and New York State Department of Health (NYSDOH)-approved Remedial Investigation Work Plan (RIWP). The work includes the installation of soil borings, monitoring wells, test pit excavations, and soil vapor points to gather information required to determine the nature and extent of impacts within the footprint of and adjacent to the former Fulton Municipal Works MGP. National Grid continued to pursue access to complete the remaining proposed RI activities.
Activities July 31 through August 14:
- Commenced and completed the installation of the proposed off-site soil boring and monitoring wells.
- Surveyed newly installed off-site monitoring wells and soil borings.
Future (two week look-ahead) activities:
- Off-site monitoring well development.